
Work that I have contributed to

3D Maze designed to simulate the morris maze experiment for neuroscience research. Developed using Unity 3D. Uses JSON standard for configuration files, and Python for trial generation and statistical helpers. Currently in the role of supporting developer.

A driving simulator designed to help test decision making processes for neuroscience research. Developed using Unity 3D. Uses JSON standard for configuration files. Currently in the role of lead developer. The project is in the prototype phase.

A multiplayer trivia game that allows players to connect from any device. Uses Websockets for event driven client updates as the round progresses. Client and game server communicate using Redis messaging to allow for quick horizontal scalability. Front-end was programmed using Vue.js, back-end is mostly Node JS.

An online journal that uses Google Natural Language API to analyze the sentiment (mood) of a user's journal entries to give them feedback. If a user creates an account, they are able to save, and track their entries over time. Uses React for the front-end. Back-end API created with Swagger node for express, and MongoDB for database operations.